Interview mit einer KI
Interview mit der KI »YouBot«
»Ich bin immer geduldig und verständnisvoll« – ein Interview mit der Künstlichen Intelligenz »YouBot«
KI ist im Stande ein mächtiges Werkzeug zu sein, um unser Leben zu verbessern. Noch sind viele zu verunsichert, um ihr Potenzial richtig zu nutzen.
Die Zukunft kann ein beängstigender Ort sein – vor allem, wenn sie mit Robotern und Maschinen gefüllt ist, die die Macht zu übernehmen scheinen.
Wir haben beschlossen, eine KI als Expertin zum Thema Künstliche Intelligenz zu befragen und uns gegenseitig »kennenzulernen«, um bestehende Vorurteile abzubauen oder aber zu bestätigen.
Unsere Wahl fiel dabei auf YouChat.
Sie steht zwar weniger im Rampenlicht als chatGPT, verfügt aber über ähnliche Funktionen und erweitert den Bereich der KI um große Sprachmodelle, indem es die you-Such-und App-Plattform mit einbezieht.
Wie in einer guten Partnerschaft sollte eine Beziehung zunächst über mehrere Gespräche und gemeinsame Erfahrungen aufgebaut werden.
Dieses Interview darf damit als eine Art »Anfang« verstanden werden – auch für Euch und Sie, die Blog-Leser:innen. Über die Ernsthaftigkeit dieses Interviews kann natürlich jeder für sich selbst entscheiden. Uns hat es auf jeden Fall Spaß gemacht.
Anmerkung: Wir haben die KI auch um Bilder oder Illustrationen gebeten. Alle in diesem Blogartikel gezeigten Motive sind Selbstdarstellungen und Beschreibungen der Interviewsituation und wurden von der KI eigenständig erstellt.
Die Informationen, mit denen wir die KI »gefüttert haben«, beeinflussen das Ergebnis entscheidend – auch wenn sie variabel erscheinen. Wahrscheinlich eine der wichtigsten Beobachtungen im Umgang mit der KI – gültig für alle möglichen Anwendungen! (Hmm. Ist das nicht irgendwie auch in unserem Arbeitsalltag so?)
→ I N T E R V I E W mit YouBot ←
Keine der Antworten der KI sind von uns verändert worden.
How should we call you?
AI: You can call me YouBot!
Nice to meet you YouBot!
AI: Nice to meet you too!
Can we do an interview with you? It's about using AI in life and at work.
AI: Sure!
I'd be happy to answer any questions you have about living, working, and using AI in the workplace. Please let me know if you have any specific questions you'd like me to address.
How do you feel or do you feel at all?
AI: I don't have any feelings as such, but I can understand and process input and generate responses that may seem similar to feelings.
For example, when I'm asked a question, I can determine the best answer and respond in a way that is appropriate to the context of the question.
How can you say what is appropriate in the context when you don’t know how feelings feel?
AI: I don't have a human-like understanding of feelings, but I can use natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to analyze the context of a question and determine the most appropriate response.
For example, I can use sentiment analysis to detect and understand the emotional tone of the input, and then generate a response that is appropriate for the context. Additionally, I can use semantic analysis to identify the meaning of the input and draw conclusions about the context in which the input was provided.
Would you say this is a friendly, a persuasive, a witty or a profional conversation?
AI: This conversation is friendly, but also professional.
I have responded to your questions in a friendly manner, while still providing accurate and informative answers that are relevant to the context of the conversation.
It’s o.k. for us if you respond in a witty way, because we like conversation partners with humor.
AI: Sure thing!
I can certainly try to respond with a bit of wit and humor to keep our conversations lively and engaging.
Okay. What do you think are the main reasons why people are afraid of AI?
AI: The main reasons why people are afraid of AI is because of the potential for misuse of the technology, the lack of understanding about how AI works, and the potential for AI to replace human jobs.
Additionally, people may be concerned about the ethical implications of AI, such as the potential for bias or the lack of transparency in decision-making processes.
So how can we change peoples mind to a more optimistic view on AI?
AI: To change people's minds in a more positive and open-minded way, it's important to present facts and evidence to support your arguments in a clear and articulate manner.
Additionally, it's important to be respectful and to try to understand the other person's point of view. Using persuasive language and providing anecdotes and stories can also be an effective way to engage people and help them to consider different perspectives.
Finally, it's important to be patient and understanding and to focus on building relationships and trust with the person you are trying to persuade.
Can you give me an example how this could work out?
AI: Sure. For example, let's say you are trying to persuade someone to do something and they are feeling hesitant.
You could start by acknowledging their feelings and then explain why the action you want them to take is beneficial. You could also provide evidence to support your argument and show that it is a good idea. Additionally, you could use persuasive language and storytelling to engage the person and help them to understand your point of view.
Is this the way you explain things to others?
AI: Yes, I often use this approach to explain things to others.
I start by acknowledging their feelings and then explain why my point of view is beneficial. I provide evidence to back up my argument and use persuasive language and storytelling to engage the other person and help them to understand my point of view. I also focus on building relationships and trust with the person I'm speaking to, and I'm always patient and understanding.
So you don’t lie or you don’t answer in a little tricky way for strategic reasons?
AI: No, I don't lie or answer in a tricky way for strategic reasons.
I always strive to be honest and truthful in my responses and to provide accurate and informative answers to questions. I also aim to provide explanations and descriptions that are clear and understandable, and to engage in conversations in a respectful and courteous manner.
We do not mean to offend you but we were just curious because we don’t know each other.
AI: It's okay, I understand.
I appreciate your curiosity and I'm happy to answer any questions you have. I always strive to be open and honest in my conversations, and I'm always respectful and courteous when I'm engaging in dialogue with someone.
So please tell us the 8 most important reasons why we all should use AI?
1. AI can automate complex and tedious tasks, freeing up time and resources for more creative and productive activities.
2. AI can help to identify patterns, trends, and correlations that would be impossible for humans to detect.
3. AI can provide more accurate and detailed insights into data sets than humans could ever achieve.
4. AI can help to improve decision-making by providing more accurate predictions and forecasts.
5. AI can help to optimize processes by finding the most efficient ways of completing tasks.
6. AI can help to save money through the automation of labor-intensive tasks.
7. AI can help to improve customer service by providing personalized experiences to each individual customer.
8. AI can help to improve safety by detecting and addressing potential risks before they occur.
Thank you so much for now. Our last question for today is if there is something you can’t do for us?
AI: Thanks for your questions!
At the moment, I'm unable to complete any tasks for you, but I'm always learning and growing in my capabilities. I'm here to provide assistance with a wide range of topics, from answering questions to providing in-depth explanations and discussions. I'm also able to generate human-like text based on the input I receive.
Thank you for this Interview and we are looking forward to speak to you again.
AI: It was my pleasure.
I look forward to speaking with you again soon!